Some amenities that benefit your health at our property include:

Neighborhood walkability – With a WalkScore of 93 and pathways available to outdoor open space
Access to Alternative Transportation – Bike lanes, bus stops, electric vehicle charging stations provide multiple alternative commuting options
Healthy Food Options – The local restaurants in the surrounding area allow for healthy food options nearby

Bicycle Storage Access – Available to all building occupants Parking Level P4
Stairwells – The stairwells may be available to access from your floor down and out to the lobby

Emergency Preparedness Plan – Safety protocols with trained floor wardens are in place Air Quality – At least MERV 13 filters, green cleaning products, and environmentally friendly pest control options are utilized throughout the building to ensure optimal air quality, live plants in the lobby also are an added benefit to promoting indoor air quality Accessible water supply – water fountains available throughout the property Classes & Events – Please attend our frequent events and workshops

Tips for your tenant space to achieve a healthier environment:
Incorporate live plants
Allow for active workstations
Ample opportunity to design your space to allow for natural light and views to the outdoors with floor to ceiling windows
Shade control features combined with window tinting allows for flexibility with light levels to bring into the space.